VCE pinout

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Revision as of 09:05, 29 August 2023 by Fiskbit (talk | contribs) (Adds VCE pinout. Still need to figure out how to document the analog power connections.)
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                                         / \
                                        /   \
                                       /     \
                           +5V (D) -- / 1  80 \ <- 8/16
                              OSC -> / 2    79 \ <- /CS
                         GND (D) -- / 3      78 \ <- CPU /RD
                         CPU D8 <> / 4    O   77 \ <- CPU /WR
                        CPU D7 <> / 5          76 \ <- CPU PA2
                       CPU D6 <> / 6            75 \ <- CPU PA1
                      CPU D5 <> / 7              74 \ <- CPU PA0
                     CPU D4 <> / 8                73 \ -> CK
                    CPU D3 <> / 9                  72 \ -> /VSYN
                   CPU D2 <> / 10                   71 \ -> /HSYN
                  CPU D1 <> / 11                     70 \ <- VD8
                 CPU D0 <> / 12                       69 \ <- VD7
               +5V (D) -- / 13                         68 \ <- VD6
              GND (D) -- / 14                           67 \ <- VD5
             GND (D) -- / 15                             66 \ <- VD4
            +5V (D) -- / 16                               65 \ <- VD3
              BRT- -> / 17                                    \
             BRTC <> / 18                                     /
         GND (A) -- / 19                                  64 / <- VD2
           BURS <- / 20                                  63 / <- VD1
       +5V (A) -- / 21          HuC6260 HUDSON          62 / <- VD0
         BRT+ -> / 22          Package QFP-80          61 / <- SEL
        B-Y- <> / 23                                  60 / ?? TEST3
       B-YC <> / 24                                  59 / <- TEST2 (YUV HI/LO)
              /                                     58 / <- TEST1 (PAL/YUV)
              \                                    57 / -- +5V (D)
    GND (A) -- \ 25                               56 / -- GND (D)      Orientation:
         B-Y <- \ 26                             55 / -- GND (D)       --------------------
      +5V (A) -- \ 27                           54 / -- +5V (D)           64         41
          B-Y+ -> \ 28                         53 / -- +5V (D)             |         |
        GND (A) -- \ 29                       52 / <- RGB+                .-----------.
            R-Y- <> \ 30                     51 / -> B                 65-|          O|-40
             R-YC <> \ 31                   50 / -- +5V (A)               |    HuC6260|
           GND (A) -- \ 32                 49 / -> R                   80-|O  HUDSON  |-25
                R-Y <- \ 33               48 / -- GND (A)                 '-----------'
             +5V (A) -- \ 34             47 / -> G                         |         |
                 R-Y+ -> \ 35           46 / <> RGB-                      01         24
               +5V (A) -- \ 36         45 / <- SYN+                    
                     Y- <> \ 37   O   44 / -> SYNC                     Legend: 
                      YC <> \ 38     43 / <> SYN-                      ----------------------------
                  GND (A) -- \ 39   42 / <- Y+                         --[HuC6260]-- Power, n/a  
                         Y <- \ 40 41 / -- +5V (A)                     ->[HuC6260]<- HuC6260 input 
                               \     /                                 <-[HuC6260]-> HuC6260 output
                                \   /                                  <>[HuC6260]<> Bidirectional
                                 \ /                                   ??[HuC6260]?? Unknown

Signal descriptions

  • +5V (A), GND (A): Power for analog signals.
  • +5V (D), GND (D): Power for digital signals.
  • OSC: 21.4772 MHz clock input.
  • CK: Output clock for the VDC, configured by the CPU.
  • /CS: Chip select. Connected to CPU CEK, selecting the VDC when writing to $FF:$0400-$07FF.
  • 8/16: Controls CPU data bus width. This is connected to +5V (8-bit mode).
  • CPU D8: Used in 16-bit mode. However, the PC-Engine uses 8-bit mode exclusively, so this is not connected.
  • VD8..VD0: 9-bit color input from the VDC. VD8 is connected to the VDC's SPBG output.
  • /HSYN, /VSYN: Horizontal and vertical sync for the VDC, to which the VDC synchronizes its video output.
  • SEL: 'Output Control' or 'Video Select'. Deasserting may disable VCE video output. Connected to the expansion port, but normally floating externally.
  • TEST1 (PAL/YUV): When grounded, reading palette RAM returns data from the YUV ROM, instead. The YUV ROM is indexed using the value at the palette RAM address being read by the CPU. This pin is normally not connected.[1]
  • TEST2 (YUV HI/LO): Controls which half of the 15-bit YUV value is returned to the CPU when reading from YUV ROM. When reading the high byte, bit 7 is always 0. This pin is normally not connected.
  • TEST3: This appears to have a function, but its behavior is unknown. Normally not connected.

Note: Pins appear to be pulled up internally, so not connected pins are high.


  1. furrtek: Dumping the NEC PC Engine YUV table